
Data Analytics and Web Development

Python Fundamentals

By Mina Eskander

Upon completing the Python Programming course, participants will gain proficiency in Python, a versatile and powerful programming language used widely in various fields such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. This course provides comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to write clean and efficient code in Python.

Jobs you can apply with this course

  • Python Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Web Developer (Django)
Enroll Now

From Beginner to Professional Developer A 3-months journey with exclusive small classes, 21 students max. 96 total hours, 2 days a week, 4 hours each day.

Weekend Course
96 hours
Installments via Tabby
Recommended age 16+
12 Weeks Course
2 Times a Week
4 Hours a Day
Price: 8,500 AED
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Meet Your Instructor

Mina Eskander
Python Fundamentals Master

My name is Mina, and I am deeply passionate about software development and programming languages.
I have acquired proficiency in numerous programming and database languages, and I thrive in working with computers. I have successfully completed multiple projects using Python and the Django framework.

I am excited to extend my expertise and offer Python instruction to anyone interested in learning.

Price: 8,500 AED

What's on the curriculum

A 3-month journey with exclusive small classes, 21 students max. 96 total hours, 2 days a week, 4 hours each day.

Week 1

Session 1


Initiate your journey by setting up the development environment. Dive deep into variables, data types, and operators, exploring their usage through hands-on exercises. Build a strong foundation by practicing and applying these fundamental concepts.

Learn about variables, data types, and operators.

Session 2

Lists and Dictionaries

Introduce more types of data structures like Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries. Understand their differences, advantages, and use cases. Solidify comprehension with practical exercises that help you manipulate and organize data efficiently.

Understand lists, tuples, and dictionaries.

Week 2

Session 3


Delve deeper into Python's structure by mastering conditionals: if, elif (else if), and else statements. Apply these concepts in various practical exercises to enhance your decision-making logic within programs and solve complex problems.

Master conditionals: if, elif, and else.

Session 4


Explore the power of loops in Python, focusing on for and while loops and their applications. Strengthen your coding skills with hands-on exercises that highlight the importance of loops in repetitive tasks and data processing.

Learn and differentiate between for and while loops.

Week 3

Session 5


Embark on building and using functions to create modular and reusable code. Learn to connect multiple functions together to perform specific tasks. Engage in practical exercises to deeply embed your understanding and improve your coding efficiency.

Develop and connect multiple functions.

Session 6


Learn how to handle errors effectively by using exceptions like try and except syntax. Understand how to manage and resolve bugs encountered in your code, ensuring robust and reliable programs through practical error-handling exercises.

Handle errors with try and except.

Week 4

Session 7


Explore Python libraries like requests, date, and sys. Discover how these tools can significantly speed up development. Engage in practical exercises to solidify your understanding and application of these libraries.

Utilize Python libraries for efficient coding.

Session 8

Unit Tests

Learn how to test functions to identify and fix defects. Use the pytest library to run more optimal tests and ensure code quality. Strengthen your testing skills with practical exercises that help you write reliable and maintainable code.

Test functions using pytest.

Week 5

Session 9

Concept Review - Part 1

Reinforce your understanding through practical exercises designed to solidify your knowledge and skills. Focus on reviewing and applying concepts learned so far to ensure a strong foundation before advancing further.

Review concepts with practical exercises.

Session 10

Concept Review - Part 2

Continue strengthening your understanding with more practical exercises. Revisit key topics to deepen your comprehension and prepare yourself for upcoming advanced concepts and challenges.

Deepen your understanding with more exercises.

Week 6

Session 11

File Input/Output (I/O)

Learn how to process files by reading data from and writing data to storage devices like hard drives or SSDs. Master file handling techniques through practical exercises that demonstrate real-world applications of file I/O operations.

Handle file I/O for data processing.

Session 12

Regular Expressions

Understand regular expressions (regex or regexp) to define search patterns. Learn to manipulate and validate text strings based on specific patterns or rules. Apply these concepts in various practical exercises to enhance your text processing skills.

Master regular expressions for text processing.

Week 7

Session 13

Regular Expressions Practice

Solidify your understanding of regular expressions through extensive practice and exercises. Dive deeper into regex by solving more complex text manipulation challenges and refining your pattern matching skills.

Deepen regex skills with more practice.

Session 14

OOP: Introduction to Classes

Introduction to classes and defining properties (attributes) and behaviors (methods) for objects. Understand the fundamentals of object-oriented programming (OOP) and how to apply these concepts to create organized and efficient code.

Learn the basics of classes and OOP.

Week 8

Session 15

OOP Practice

Work more on classes and solidify comprehension through practical exercises. Enhance your understanding of OOP concepts by building more complex and interactive applications that utilize classes and objects.

Practice and solidify OOP concepts.

Session 16

Concept Review

Solidify your comprehension of regex and classes by working on more projects. Apply what you've learned in practical scenarios to demonstrate your mastery of these essential programming concepts.

Review regex and classes with projects.

Week 9

Session 17

SQL Basic Commands

Delve into SQL and learn basic commands like SELECT, FROM, and WHERE. Understand how to query databases effectively and retrieve the information you need. Practice these skills through real-world database exercises.

Learn basic SQL commands for querying.

Session 18

SQL Extended Commands and CS50 Library

Expand your SQL knowledge with commands like ORDER BY and INSERT INTO. Use the CS50 library for enhanced functionality and deeper database interactions. Engage in practical exercises to solidify these advanced SQL skills.

Enhance SQL skills with advanced commands.

Week 10

Session 19

Introduction to Numpy

Learn about the Numpy library for data analysis. Explore arrays, operations on arrays, importing CSV files, and basic statistics. Get introduced to matplotlib for data visualization, creating line charts and bar charts.

Analyze data with Numpy and visualize with matplotlib.

Session 20

Introduction to Django Framework

Discover how to use Django to build backend web pages with functions and templates. Learn the basics of HTML and CSS for web development, and integrate these technologies to create dynamic web applications.

Build web pages with Django, HTML, and CSS.

Week 11

Session 21

Django: Authentication

Implement user authentication in Django. Learn to create sign-up, sign-in, home page, and sign-out functionalities. Enhance your web applications by providing secure user authentication features through detailed, step-by-step instructions and practical exercises.

Implement user authentication in Django.

Session 22

Django Models

Get introduced to Django database models and understand the relationships between database tables. Learn to manage and manipulate data in Django effectively with hands-on practical exercises that reinforce your skills and knowledge.

Work with Django database models.

Week 12

Session 23

Django: Change Password & Testing

Learn to implement password change functionality and test models using the Unit test library to ensure reliability. Improve your skills in developing and maintaining robust Django applications through focused exercises.

Implement password change and model testing.

Session 24

Final Project

Apply everything you've learned in a comprehensive final project. Showcase your skills by building a complete application from scratch, demonstrating your mastery of Python, Django, and related technologies.

Build a comprehensive final project.


Careers you can apply to with this Course

KDB / Python Lead Quant Developer

EUR 200000 to EUR 600000 per month

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16 May 2024

Python Developer/ IgniteTech

USD 60000 to USD 60000 per month

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30 May 2024

KDB / Python Lead Quant Developer

EUR 200 to EUR 600 per month

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24 May 2024

Python Developer

Agreed upon interview

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30 May 2024

Python Developer - Inlogic IT Solutions

Agreed upon interview

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24 Jul 2024

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