
Data Analytics

Python Fundamentals

By Rayif Mothasham

Upon completing the Python Programming course, participants will gain proficiency in Python, a versatile and powerful programming language used widely in various fields such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. This course provides comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to write clean and efficient code in Python.

Jobs you can apply with this course

  • Python Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Automation Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Web Developer (Python)
  • Research Analyst
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class details

KHDA Licenced

3 Months Course

Twice a Week, 4 Hours a Day

Price: 8,500 AED

Flexible Hours

Morning & Evening Classes

Beginner Friendly

Installment Payment Plan

Meet Your Instructor

Rayif Mothasham
Python Fundamentals Instructor

I'm Rayif, a Python Developer. My coding journey began at a young age fueled by a curiosity for learning about technology.

If you are a beginner, Python is a go-to language as it offers endless possibilities, whether it be Data Analytics or Web Development.

Join me at TeachMeCode where you can open doors to exciting opportunities in the world of tech.

Price: 8,500 AED

What's on the curriculum

3-month journey with exclusive small classes, 20 students maximum.

Week 1

Session 1

Python Overview & Setup Guide

Embark on your Python journey, discover why it's a favorite among developers, install Python, write your first "Hello, World!" script, and get familiar with efficient coding using IDEs like PyCharm and VS Code.

Discover PyCharm and set it up.

Session 2

Python Syntax & Basic Concepts

Dive into Python's syntax rules and write more complex scripts. Learn about variables and fundamental data types to store and manipulate data, perform basic operations, and capture user inputs to make your programs interactive.

Learn syntax, variables, and data types.

Week 2

Session 3

Control Structures & Logic Flow

Control the flow of your Python programs using conditional statements. Get hands-on experience with loops and understand how 'break' and 'continue' can alter loop behavior for more complex logic operations.

Controlling code flow with conditions.

Session 4

Functions and Modular Coding

Modularize your code with functions to enhance readability and reusability. Learn to define functions, pass arguments, handle return values, and create quick, anonymous functions with lambda expressions.

Master functions for modular code.

Week 3

Session 5

Data Structures: Lists & Beyond

Explore Python's versatile data structures including lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Learn how to organize data and perform operations with list comprehensions for efficient coding practices.

Organize data with Python structures.

Session 6

Deep Dive into OOP with Python

Understand the principles of Object-Oriented Programming as you learn to create classes and objects. Discover inheritance and polymorphism to reuse code and encapsulate data within objects for cleaner code.

Grasp OOP: classes, inheritance, more.

Week 4

Session 7

Exception Handling in Python

Master exception handling in Python by using try-except constructs, managing various errors, deliberately raising exceptions, and designing your own exception types for better error control.

Writing robust code with exceptions.

Session 8

File I/O Essentials & Formats

Gain proficiency in file manipulation with Python: delve into reading and writing files, manage various formats such as CSV and JSON, and learn to store and retrieve persistent data, essential for practical applications.

Manage files and common data formats.

Week 5

Session 9

Python's Pip & Libraries

Get acquainted with pip, Python’s package installer. Explore how to extend Python’s capabilities with commonly used libraries and create visual representations of data with various plotting libraries.

Extend Python with libraries and pip

Session 10

Building Web Apps with Flask

Step into the world of web development with Flask. Learn how to set up routes, render templates, and build a basic web application as you take your first steps into back-end development.

Create web apps with Flask framework.

Week 6

Session 11

Databases & ORM Techniques

Learn how to integrate databases using SQLite and understand Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to bridge your Python objects with database tables for efficient data manipulation.

Integrating databases with Python ORM.

Session 12

Networking Foundations with Python

Delve into the basics of networking by exploring sockets for communication and understanding the client-server model to open up a new dimension of programming.

Network communication with Python

Week 7

Session 13

Intermediate Python Projects

Apply your Python skills to real-world tasks. Build a command-line utility, scrape web content with BeautifulSoup, and automate repetitive tasks to demonstrate your growing expertise.

Real-world Python projects experience.

Session 14

Intro to Machine Learning Concepts

Begin your Machine Learning journey. Understand the fundamentals, the different types, and set up a machine learning environment with libraries like Scikit-learn or TensorFlow.

Fundamentals of Machine Learning.

Week 8

Session 15

Data Preprocessing Techniques

Prepare your data for Machine Learning with preprocessing techniques. Handle missing data, scale and normalize, encode categorical data, and split it into training and testing sets.

Prep data for Machine Learning use.

Session 16

Supervised Learning Algorithms

Dive into supervised learning by exploring regression and classification models. Predict outcomes and categorize data using techniques like Logistic Regression and Decision Trees.

Learn supervised ML models & uses.

Week 9

Session 17

Exploring Unsupervised Learning

Explore unsupervised learning to detect hidden structures in datasets. Master clustering techniques for data grouping and apply dimensionality reduction to streamline data while preserving vital features.

Discover clustering and data reduction.

Session 18

Neural Networks & Deep Learning

Understand the structure and function of neural networks and how to train deep networks using TensorFlow and Keras. Get introduced to CNNs for image processing and RNNs for sequence data.

Train neural networks with TensorFlow.

Week 10

Session 19

Basics of Natural Language Proc.

Embark on a journey into Natural Language Processing (NLP). Master text preprocessing, understand tokenization, learn about word embeddings, and perform sentiment analysis to interpret emotions conveyed in text.

Tackle text data with NLP techniques.

Session 20

Reinforcement Learning Basics

Delve into the fundamentals of reinforcement learning by examining agents, environments, and reward systems. Apply Q-learning techniques and integrate Deep Q Networks (DQNs) to tackle intricate learning challenges.

Grasp fundamentals of reinforcement learning.

Week 11

Session 21

Advanced AI: Image & Text Recognition

Apply your knowledge to advanced AI projects like image recognition using CNNs and text generation with RNNs. Tackle challenging problems with sophisticated algorithms.

Advanced AI: visuals & language models.

Session 22

Game AI with Reinforcement Learning

Program AI that can play and excel at games using reinforcement learning. Understand how AIs learn strategies to make optimal moves in dynamic gaming environments.

Build game-playing AI models.

Week 12

Session 23

Real-world Python Applications

Integrate everything you've learned to create practical Python applications. This could range from data analysis tools to automating daily tasks, solidifying your Python expertise.

Python for practical real-world apps.

Session 24

Course Recap & Future Learning

Review all the key Python concepts covered, from basic syntax to advanced AI. Learn how to further your skills with resources that will help continue your programming journey.

Recap and guide for continued learning.

Ahd Kendoussi Student Advisor

consultation call

Let’s get to know each other, discuss your concerns, and answer all your questions.
30 Minutes


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