
Full Stack Development Boot Camp

Our full-stack web development curriculum builds in-demand skills. Our expert instructors teach from real-world experience.
Upon completion of this boot camp you'll be ready to join the IT job market confident and prepared.

Starting 23rd of September

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From Beginner to Full Stack Developer in just 3 Months A 3-month journey with exclusive small classes, 21 students max. 360 total hours, 5 days a week, 6 hours each day.

Intensive Boot Camp
360 hours
Flexible payment
Recommended age 16+
12 Weeks Course
5 Times a Week
6 Hours a Day
Price: 28,000 AED
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Meet your Instructor
Murad Rustamli
UI-UX Master
Hi, I'm Murad Rustamli, a seasoned UX/UI and graphic designer. With agency experience, I'm excited to teach at TeachMeCode Institute. Skilled in five design tools, I love crafting user-friendly designs.
Marwa Jawad
Front-End Development Master
I'm Marwa, a passionate web developer since 2018. I've worked on diverse projects, transforming my approach to solutions. As a front-end developer, I love teaching, learning, and creating impactful tech.
Yassine Ladjabi
Back-End Development Master
Hi, I'm Yassine, your instructor at TeachMeCode Institute. With years of experience, I've worked on desktop and web applications, frontend and backend, database architecture, and system design.
Technologies you will learn
Collaborative UI-UX Design Tools.
The Famous HyperText Markup Language.
Advanced styles and layout for web pages.
Powerful front-end framework for responsive design.
Versatile, essential for web development.
JavaScript runtime for server-side apps.
Fast, minimal web framework for Node.js.
NoSQL database for flexible, storage.
JavaScript library for building UI components.
Distributed version control system.
Tools for containerizing applications.
Continuous Integration / Deployment
What's On The Curriculum
A 3-month journey with exclusive small classes, 21 students max. 360 total hours, 5 days a week, 6 hours each day.
1st day

UX/UI Design Fundamentals

2nd day

HTML Essentials: Overview, Tag Structure, and Text Elements

3rd day

Interactive HTML Elements and SEO Fundamentals

4th day

CSS Fundamentals: Overview, Writing Methods, and Selecting Elements

5th day

Box Model and Positioning in CSS

6th day

Mastering Flexbox, Ordering, and Pseudo-Classes in CSS

7th day

CSS Media query and Frameworks: Bootstrap

8th day

Grid Layout and Responsive Galleries

9th day

Animation in CSS

10th day

Foundations of JavaScript: Variables, Functions

11th day

JavaScript Expressions, Rest Parameters, Getters, and Setters

12th day

JavaScript Classes and Prototypes: Inheritance, Extending, and Fields

13th day

Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, async/await, and Fetch API

14th day

Module Systems& Localstorage: Imports/Export

15th day

Responsive Design Principles and Best Practices

16th day

Web Accessibility and Semantic HTML

17th day

Error Handling,User input & Closures in JavaScript

18th day

DOM Manipulation and Web APIs: Modifying Elements, and Websockets

19th day

Advanced DOM Manipulation Techniques

20th day

Client-Side Storage and Web APIs

21st day

AJAX and Single Page Applications (SPAs)

22nd day

Understanding Node.js Fundamentals

23rd day

Introduction to Node.js

24th day

Setting up Node.js and basic server creation

25th day

Node.js modules and npm basics

26th day

Asynchronous programming in Node.js (callbacks, Promises, async/await)

27th day

Introduction to Express.js and setting up a basic server

28th day

Handling routes and requests in Express.js

29th day

Middleware in Express.js and creating custom middleware

30th day

Advanced routing techniques in Express.js

31st day

Introduction to MongoDB and its features

32nd day

CRUD operations with MongoDB using the MongoDB Node.js driver

33rd day

Using MongoDB with Mongoose ODM

34th day

Creating schemas and models with Mongoose

35th day

Performing CRUD operations with Mongoose

36th day

Error handling in Express.js

37th day

Authentication basics with Express.js (middleware, sessions)

38th day

Authorization concepts and role-based access control (RBAC)

39th day

File uploads with multer and handling static files

40th day

Building RESTful APIs with Express.js and MongoDB

41st day

Testing Node.js applications (unit testing, integration testing)

42nd day

Deployment options for Node.js and Express.js applications

43rd day

React: Building First Component

44th day

React Development Foundations

45th day

React Forms & controlled and uncontrolled components

46th day

React Routing & Context api

47th day

React advanced Data Fetch & Lazy loading

48th day

Advance Concepts in React Development

49th day

React advanced: Custom Hoooks

50th day

React advanced: Higher-order components

51st day

State Management with Redux

52nd day

React Performance Optimization

53rd day

Introduction to Version Control with Git

54th day

Introduction to Docker

55th day

Docker Basics and Docker Compose

56th day

Introduction to CI/CD and GitHub Actions

57th day

Testing and Code Quality in CI/CD

58th day

Docker in CI/CD Workflows

59th day

Basic Deployment Strategies

60th day

Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions

61st day

Deploy to Cloud

62nd day

Q&A session and review of the entire course

Careers you can apply to with “Full Stack Development” Bootcamp

Frontend Engineer

USD 98000 to USD 210000 per month

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06 Jun 2024


USD 80000 to USD 125000 per month

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25 Jun 2024

Senior JavaScript Developer/ IgniteTech /Remote/ - /60/000/year USD

USD 60000 to USD 60000 per month

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15 Jul 2024

Angular / React SE and SSE

AED 15000 to AED 23000 per month

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18 Jul 2024

Angular / React SE and SSE

AED 15000 to AED 23000 per month

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24 Jul 2024

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with “Full Stack Development” Bootcamp

Discover Full Stack Development Boot Camp Careers

Price: 28,000 AED
Save 7,000 AED By Enrolling Before July 20th
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Adam Hallak Your course consultant

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